
Vivrant (Urban origin): A cross between vibrant (Pulsing or throbbing with energy or activity) and vivacious (Full of animation and spirit; lively).

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I was told a story today of four 16 year old boys, each of a different race and religion: Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Catholic.  All four of them are the smartest kids in their class. On this particular day though, they decided to get in a van together and go somewhere without parental approval.  According to law a 16 year old can only have one other person in the car.  They chose to ignore the law and assumed that all would be alright.  As they were driving, they pulled out in front of another vehicle.  The impact was so forceful that the van rolled several times. The rescuers had to use the Jaws of Life to get the unconscious boys out of the vehicle. Surprisingly everyone did survive the accident because they were wearing a seatbelt; however they are very badly bruised. 

As I thought back on this event, I couldn't help but be intrigued by the fact that they were each of a different race and religion.  I got to thinking how society today is trying so hard to get everyone to be integrated and to get along.  Could it be that we are trying so very hard to put us all in the same vehicle yet we are ignoring something that is so very important and the whole thing could end up crashing in on us? 

We can set up all the programs to desegregate our schools.  We can change all our books to not offend anyone.  We can write laws that remove personal freedoms just so that certain religions will be satisfied.  We can remove prayer from schools as to keep separation of church and state.  And the list goes on and on of all the things that we have tried, or are trying to do to bring a form of unity.  Yet all the while we are ignoring the most important thing that needs changed in everyone: The Heart. 

Until the hearts of the people are changed, then any effort to bring unity will only end in a crash.  Although it may not be a fatal crash, people may still be injured in the process.  All of that pain and suffering could be avoided if we would just heed the Law of Love:  Love God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself. (Note: to love someone else you need to also love yourself) If we concentrate on this law then unity will be attained with or without all of our laws and programs.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spiritual Divorce

If you have been or are in the process of going through a divorce, it is very difficult to keep balanced and spiritual through the process, but it can be done.  Divorce does not have to be hateful, nasty nor does it have to destroy your life and your spirituality.  You can take the situation and turn it around for good.  A book by Debbie Ford called Spritual Divorce  is excellent.  I read this while my husband and I were going through a seperation and it really helped me to keep a perspective on my own emotions and kept my spirit in check.  She will walk you through exercises that if you do them, they will help you to learn to love and forgive yourself as well as your ex.  Getting over the hurt and the pain isn't easy, but doing the inner work to release, let go, and forgive will be the greatest gift you could give to yourself.  You will feel liberated to know that you did the right thing, in spite of a very bad situation. I recommend this book for anyone who has ever broken up from a relationship and wants to receive some inner healing.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Praying for Someone More Effectively

Do you have a loved one that you want so desperately for God to change? Have you spent countless hours pleading and begging God to change this person and yet still, nothing?  If you have been pounding on God's door repeatedly without any results, then it is time to take a look at the way you have been praying. 

James 4:3 And even when you ask, you don't get it because your motives are all wrong--you want only what will give you pleasure.”  

It is important to align yourself with wisdom before you begin to pray. You might be asking for God to change a situation, when what God really wants is for you to change.  You may be asking God to break down the wall between you and the other person, when God wants you to work on the wall in your own heart between you and Him.  Or you might be praying for God to change that person and make them become like you want them to be, which is not even a prayer at all, but manipulation.  You are asking God to force them against their will.  Did you know that any attempt to force someone against their will is a form of black magic?
There really should be a code of ethics when it comes to praying for others.  We should avoid any prayer that manipulates, controls or trespasses on a person’s free will.  So instead of praying for someone to join your religion, pray for them to grow and awaken in spiritual knowledge. Instead of praying for someone to marry you, pray for the fulfillment in his/her love life and your own.  Instead of praying for someone’s individual traits to change, pray for the expression of his/her true nature in their own unique way.  Always pray for the other person’s highest good through the pathway of their own individual choice.
Also often what bothers us about others is usually something that we are unwilling to see in ourselves.  For example: If your boss is really hard on you, take the time to see how you are really hard on yourself.  If someone at home won’t clean up after their self, examine your heart to see if you aren’t cleaning up after your mental dirty laundry.  If someone won’t give you love and attention, consider how you are not giving yourself love and attention.  Rather than focusing on changing the other person, pray for the courage to change you. 
Matt 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”
As you begin to search your own soul and learn to love and forgive yourself, you will begin to see the people and the world around you begin to change miraculously. 
Take the time to pray consciously for the solutions to the problems, for healing of negative beliefs, for overcoming the root of difficulties.  Always pray for wisdom, guidance and the divine purpose for your prayers for others.
It is never wrong to pray for what God has promised
Peace, joy, abundance, fulfillment, health, love and wisdom.
Seeing perfect good and truth about another can never do harm. 
When you pray take special consideration for how you word your prayers.  When speaking of the other person do not state the problem.  Instead state the solution of how it would be if they were whole and complete now.  There should be no statements of negation, self-effacement or limiting emotions.  Eliminate the words “not”, “cannot”, and “can’t” from your prayers.  Only state absolute positive truth, see and speak of the person you are praying for as perfect, complete and whole rather than diseased, stressed and broken down.  It is extremely important to visualize the person as whole and complete now. 
Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
See your prayer as already answered now.  Feel your prayer as already answered now. Take a few moments to feel the emotions of what it would feel like to witness the prayer answered now and just spend time thanking the Father for it.  Know that your prayer is answered now.  And then let it go.  Leave it up to God to do the details. 
As you begin to practice some of these changes in your prayer life you will begin to see God move in miraculous ways. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dispelling Karma

     Have you ever heard people say “Oh, that’s bad karma.”? So what is karma, anyway? The popular definition is: Whatever you do will be paid back to you.  In other words, if you steal from someone, someone will steal from you.  Does this actually happen? The reality is surprisingly, no. 
     Karma is a Sanskrit word which means "action".  That is all.  It doesn't mean that bad deeds are punished, or good deeds rewarded.  There are no karmic debts to punish you, nor any karmic courts to execute vengeance. And yet karma has its own law.  If it’s not a reward or punishment of your deeds then how does the law of karma actually work?  The Law of Karma is the Law of Consequences of Action which is also the Law of Cause and Effect.  Sir Isaac Newton's third law: "Forces always originate in pairs, equal in magnitude and opposite in direction".

            Gal 6:7 "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."

     Whatever you think, say, or do produces consequences.  It's kind of like if you drop a rock into the center of a pond.  The action produces ripples on the surface that radiate outward from the center in circles.  When these circles reach the pond's outer shore, they then travel inward, converging toward the center.  Similarly your thoughts affect the universe more profoundly than you can even imagine.  Your every thought, word and deed affects the entire universe and then affects yourself.
     Your thoughts send out waves of vibration into the universe.  Every moment you are sending out vibrations of either harmonious or inharmonious waves.  Positive feelings create an energy field that attracts positivism by the Law of Magnetic Attraction, which is simply "Like attracts like".   Harmonious thoughts produce harmonious, peaceful and beneficial results, whereas inharmonious thoughts produce inharmonious, disorderly, harmful, and even violent results.

Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-- pressed down, shaken together and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."

     Now let’s look at this a little closer.  Not only do your thoughts send out vibrations but also your beliefs do as well.  The beliefs I am talking about are the ones that are buried in your subconscious mind.  These beliefs actually send out stronger vibrations than your conscious thoughts.   For example: Johnny was praying or believing for a new car.  He cut out pictures of that car and pasted it on his refrigerator.  He did what his pastor said by using the "Name it, and Claim it" technique often throughout the day.  He would pray and dream about that new car.  But all along he had a subconscious belief of: “I never have enough, I always have an old, broken-down car, and I can't afford a decent car nor do I deserve a new car".  His subconscious belief is sabotaging his conscious belief and efforts.  What he thinks he believed is quite different from what he really believed.
     Thus the true deeper meaning of the Law of Karma is: whatever you believe will happen is exactly what will happen.

Matt 8:13"...let it be done for you as you have believed.” 

     It is your deep down core beliefs (unconscious belief) that determines what you experience.  If you believe you are poor, then you will be poor.  If you believe you are wealthy, you will be.  God gave you free will, and you have absolute control over your own path, experience and future for "it is done unto you as you believe".
Let's say that you believe that you get a cold every spring, and you declare it repeatedly as often as you can throughout the year. Then that cold will arrive every spring just like clockwork.  You then prove to yourself that what you believe is true and declare it again and again. 
     Now I know what you are thinking, "How can a belief manifest anything? Believing you are the president doesn't make you one." This is a valid question because the word belief is often defined as a mood or imaginary musing.  However your life is nothing more than a reflection of your deepest imaginations. Belief is a complete conviction, an assured expectation of a particular result.  This is not what you think you believe, but is the core belief in your subconscious mind.  You might not even be aware of what your subconscious mind believes. 
     The best way to overcome subconscious programing is to make a profound, fundamental change in your life-to trade in your old, limited ego identity for a new, unlimited identity.

 Rom 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."  

     When we know who we are in Christ we understand that God lives within us.  Thus Christ transforms our identity from being limited into a limitless identity, which brings freedom, enlightenment, peace, comfort, divine direction and unbounded awareness. Through faith you can activate the Law of Grace, the law of bountiful mercy that forgives all "sin" and dismisses all belief in reward and punishment.  Once you accept the Law of Grace then you break the spell of karma.  This Law of Grace instantaneously dispels all limiting beliefs. 

Rom 8:2 "because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death (law of karma)."
     When your subconscious mind is renewed to believing the truth about yourself, those around you and all things then the truth sets you free.  You begin to send out harmonious vibrational beliefs which in turn bring harmony to your life.  If you are not experiencing harmony in your life then it is time to take a very close look at your subconscious beliefs to see how they are sabotaging and controlling your life.  Ask God to remove those false beliefs and to fill them with the truth.