
Vivrant (Urban origin): A cross between vibrant (Pulsing or throbbing with energy or activity) and vivacious (Full of animation and spirit; lively).

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I was told a story today of four 16 year old boys, each of a different race and religion: Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Catholic.  All four of them are the smartest kids in their class. On this particular day though, they decided to get in a van together and go somewhere without parental approval.  According to law a 16 year old can only have one other person in the car.  They chose to ignore the law and assumed that all would be alright.  As they were driving, they pulled out in front of another vehicle.  The impact was so forceful that the van rolled several times. The rescuers had to use the Jaws of Life to get the unconscious boys out of the vehicle. Surprisingly everyone did survive the accident because they were wearing a seatbelt; however they are very badly bruised. 

As I thought back on this event, I couldn't help but be intrigued by the fact that they were each of a different race and religion.  I got to thinking how society today is trying so hard to get everyone to be integrated and to get along.  Could it be that we are trying so very hard to put us all in the same vehicle yet we are ignoring something that is so very important and the whole thing could end up crashing in on us? 

We can set up all the programs to desegregate our schools.  We can change all our books to not offend anyone.  We can write laws that remove personal freedoms just so that certain religions will be satisfied.  We can remove prayer from schools as to keep separation of church and state.  And the list goes on and on of all the things that we have tried, or are trying to do to bring a form of unity.  Yet all the while we are ignoring the most important thing that needs changed in everyone: The Heart. 

Until the hearts of the people are changed, then any effort to bring unity will only end in a crash.  Although it may not be a fatal crash, people may still be injured in the process.  All of that pain and suffering could be avoided if we would just heed the Law of Love:  Love God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself. (Note: to love someone else you need to also love yourself) If we concentrate on this law then unity will be attained with or without all of our laws and programs.

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